We are pleased to offer our facilities for hire to groups and individuals in the community. The Calwell Church is a large building and offers convenient parking.
A hall that can seat 170 in theatre style
A kitchen and coffee area catering for around 25 people
A meeting room, catering for up to 20 people
The kitchen and café area of the Calwell Church are available to all hirers, regardless of which part of the building is hired.

For pricing, please read though our hire rates.
If you would like to hire the facility, please fill out the 'Building Hire Query' below. Make sure you include the dates you are seeking.
Once the date is checked and you have been advised that it is free, please download the Hire Agreement, complete it and email it to southgatebuildinghire@gmail.com. Alternatively it can be posted to PO Box 122, Calwell ACT 2905; however the box is only cleared periodically.
Casual users will be charged a cleaning bond of $70 paid at the time of hiring. The bond will be refunded upon inspection of the building assuming the facility is left in a clean state. The building must be cleaned prior to leaving (to the standard at which it was found).
Alcohol Policy
The Alliance Church has a no alcohol policy in the building and its surrounds. Regardless of the nature of the event, alcohol is not permitted on the property.
Damage to Property
The cost of repairs to the grounds, the building or its contents, as a result of damage inflicted during the period of hire, will be charged to the hirer.
Issuing of Keys
Should you be issued with a set of keys to the building, you are not permitted to duplicate them or use them to access the building at any time outside the hours stipulated in the hiring agreement. Keys must be returned at the completion of the hiring period. Should you lose the issued keys, the security of the building will be compromised and a fee will be incurred. This fee will include the replacement of exterior door locks and, if necessary, the replacement of any interior door locks.
It is not permitted to display advertisements on the inside or outside of the building without the consent of the
Alliance Church.
Child Safety
We ask that organisations hiring the building commit to upholding the ten Child Safe Standards identified by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, those who hire will need to agree to extra conditions which are found in the Hire Agreement document above.